We are always looking for businesses to partner with that understand how individuals from Opportunity Networks can strengthen your staff.  We seek to place individuals in a job based on their strengths. Individuals we work with are eligible for a work assessment and further training required to assist the individual in learning all the skills required to conduct the job. When necessary, individuals will be provided with ongoing training and/or support at no cost to the employer.

Heidi Bowman would be delighted to talk to you in more detail. She can be reached at (603) 883-4402 or email: hbowman@opportunitynetworks.org

Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities are an untapped labor force that many businesses and organizations are using
within their organizations. This large pool of employable individuals can be beneficial to your organization.

Common Myths of Hiring Individuals with a Disability

Fiction #1

Employers don’t hire individuals with disabilities because their performance and overall productivity does not compare to those without disabilities.

Fact: According to the U.S. Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, workers with disabilities were rated “either ‘average’ or ‘above average’” the same as their co-workers. There are also added benefits to individuals with disabilities tend to stay employed longer which reduces turnover and the costs of training replacements for staff members.

Lengnick-Hall (ed), Hidden Talent: How Leading Companies Hire, Retain, and Benefit from People with Disabilities. Praeger Publishers. © 2007. Books24x7.

Fiction #2

Coworkers are not prepared to work alongside individuals with disabilities.

Fact: Many younger staff members have been exposed to individuals with disabilities than previous generations due to the shift in inclusion and mainstreaming in the public school systems.

Fiction #3

Individuals with disabilities have low attendance and high call out rates.

Fact: Individuals with disabilities actually have higher attendance rates then the average employee. Many individuals with disabilities take a considerable amount of pride in their job.

Hall, H. 2002, ‘Why it is good to employ people with disabilities’, Spinal Network News, 5(4)

Employment of non-institutionalized working-age people (ages 21 to 64) by disability status in New Hampshire in 2012

Financial Benefits to Hiring Individuals with Disabilities

There are significant financial benefits to hiring individuals with disabilities. Please click on the following link:

Tax Benefits for Businesses Who Have Employees with Disabilities

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